

I am Katie but my friends know me as K8e. I am just an ordinary girl with an extraordinary opportinity. I have been living in France since January of 2007. I have been alot of places, met alot of people and done a lot of things. But none of them as exciting as what tomorrow may bring. Enjoy and feel free to let me know you stopped by.

20 December 2006

Before I left Lubbock the Troop went to the Texas Tech International Cultural Center to learn more about France and why students study abroad. These are a few pictures of our trip.

I think that the above may be our last group shot. I am uncertain if a parent was able to get a picture at the Christmas party

We have a bit of a tradition that whenever we are taking pictures we take a cute one and then a silly one..Always a Blast :)
You cannot tell very well but they are all reaching for the French flag above them.

They are some silly girls but what can i say they have a silly leader :)

This is by far my most favorite..The ICC has a map built into the ground and right here all the girls have their fingers in France.
I really do miss them. I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday :)

14 December 2006

First leg of the trip

Hello World,

It is so strange to no longer be in Lubbock. But in less than three weeks I will leave for France. That is so exciting. It was hard leaving everyone in Lubbock and the scrapbook that you girls made me has quickly become one of my most prized possessions. I am staying with my cousin Kevin and tomorrow i will finish the drive to Florida. 800 miles in one day by yourself is hard. So i like that i can take a bit of a break here.

On the France front it looks like i know where i will be living. it is called the Le Saggittare. I hope i spelled that right. When i get there i will be sure to post pictures of my new apartment. The only problem that i have found so far is that i will only be able to live there from January until June. So I will have to find somewhere else to live in July and August. And I may even end up somewhere new in September. Jeeze that is a ton of moving for me.

Ok well I hope that you are all having a wonderful time. Thank you again for the amazing scrapbook.


05 December 2006

Only a week left

Well it is official now. I will be leaving for France on January 3, 2007. This blog will be a place for people to not only see what I am doing in my travels but also to leave notes letting me know what is happening. I am learning about this blog process and will try to improve it as we go.


We had our birthday party last month and these are some of the pictures from it.

13 November 2006

Hello Girls

this is the first entry..mainly just a trial entry...